I didn't get to hold your hand
or wish you on your way
How my heart is breaking
I wish you could have stayed
The love between a mother and
child no one could ever break
Every day I miss you more
it seems too much to take
I look at your picture
then I start to cry
It seems impossible to me
that a year has gone by
Then I look around me
with you on my mind
and I see in your son the
precious gift you left behind
I send you hugs and kisses
on the wings of a butterfly
I'm sure there will never come a day
thinking of you that I do not cry
Love Always,
My wish for you is not success
Because you were successful
My wish for you is not love
Because you were loved
My wish for you is not a good life
Because your life was good
My wish for you is not happiness
Because you were happy
My wish for you is not a full life
Because your life was full
My wish for you is not peace
Because now you are at peace
My wish for you is not a home
Because you had a home every where
My wish for you was not a child
Because you had two children
My wish for you is not friends
Because you had so many friends
My wish for you is that you were born
Today so that I could have the honor
And privilege to have you my son be
With me for another forty-one years
I love you and miss you so much already
Love Always,